These are small but important changes to GTA if you want to add extra fun or realism!Simple Trainer Version 6.5by: sjaak327TrafficLoadby: iktFirst Person 1.0.7 Compatibleby: k3162 Originally C06altPrison Breakby: HippieCommunistRealistic Fuel Mod SandakelumFarnsworth's Business Mod Complete v2by: ProfFarnsworthAssassination Mod v0.6by: odiomorattiTank V Style script v1.1by: JulioNIB and SkylineGTRFreakBicycle script modby: JulioNIB, Bob Lester, Yeardley Diamond and emad-tvk. Afterall, I want you to be playing these amazing modifications not read about them!The order of these mods are going to depend on the amount they impact the game in there respective catagories, the ones near the beginning are doing to slightly alter the gameplay whilst the ones nearest the bottom are going to dramatically change GTA into a completely new game!I will try my very best to add the creators names throughout this mods list but if I don't please leave a friendly comment below.( Mods may be added/removed at any time for a number of reasons. In this guide, I'm going to be listing some of the greatest Grand Theft Auto IV mods out there I have personally tried all the mods highlighted in this list so I can recommend them through experience!On a couple of the mods, I'll list an alternative or simular mod next to it so you can choose your favourite one!I like to keep my guides nice and short so people aren't reading for longer than they want to.