Killing floor 2 monster masquerade
Killing floor 2 monster masquerade

Movable Cage trap at the right end of the map lasts for about 10 second.EMP power per hit = 100, trap lasts for 17 seconds. Bridge electric trap under the waterfall does 2 points of damage within 1 second intervals.

killing floor 2 monster masquerade

The damage goes to the player's actual health.

  • Two Bell traps (on the left side of the map, not far from where the DJ's stand is) do 10 points of damage and knock down ZEDs.
  • ZEDs will NOT attempt to evade these traps. DOT: Damage scale = x1.5 of trap damage, Duration = 5s, interval = 1s, Burn power per hit / DOT tick = 15.5.
  • Both Fire traps (one under the bridge with 4 archs under it, located on the left side of the map and the other located in the main structure emitted from the skull with Hans' portrait above it) do 30 points of "fire" damage to ZEDs (only) and at same time and place as well do 4 points of "fire damage' to both - ZEDs and players.
  • Monster Ball featuring plenty on traps to aid players in combat.

    killing floor 2 monster masquerade

    Hans Volter's Mkb as an unlockable reward Traps

    Killing floor 2 monster masquerade